Monday, December 24, 2012

How Did Men Deal with the Stress of Wwii.

Question 1: Consider our readings from Vasily Grossman, Gottlob Bidermann, and Richard Holmes. Judging by the bear witness in these texts, how did men deal with the stress of war? The iconic thousand-yard stare, a furthermost-off, unfocused gaze characteristic of soldiers who had succumbed to the accidental injury of war by dissociating from it, emerged with its name through the chilling photos of soldiers who were overtaken by these symptoms in the wake of World War II. Its no surprise that war takes a toll on the mastermind of all those affected by it. Given the brutality and mountain chain of World War II, which began only 21 years afterward World War II (a war that had already ransacked the landscape and people of Europe leaving high estimates of the expiry toll at 65 million deaths), civilians and soldiers a alike were engulfed in total war. As Hitler and the Nazis ideology was based on A War of Extermination fueled by a racial ideology that sought for the ethnic cleansing and complete reengineering of the genial population of Europe, the massive amount of Soviet soldiers that perished as they were propel wave after wave in order to muted the Nazi war machine, and the general cruelty that was apparent in this war, soldiers upon soldiers grew appalled by the nature of the war.
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As one soldier confesses in The Italian Job, After three months, it was demoralizing… it was every night, every night everybody was hunting Germans, everybody was out to kill anybody… we was demoniac… We did become like animals in the end… Yes, just like rats… It was far worse than the desert. You were stuck in the same place. You had nowhere to go. You didnt pay off no rest, like in the desert. No repose… You never expected to see the end of it. You just forgot wherefore you were there (Addison 208). Often times, the amount of effort put into it and the lives sacrificed seemed to far outweigh the benefits reaped from both; Gottlob Herbert Bidderman, a German soldier that was represent on the Eastern Front reflected on the... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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