is defined as a health insurance custom essay plan funded by
commonwealth. Through this buy essay scheme, a subsidized or free
healthcare is provided to a country’s buy essay population. Traced
back in custom essay, Harry Truman asked the Congress on the need to
legislate the national health buy essay insurance establishment plan.
The program changed from being a universal custom essay coverage plan
to a social security system as developed by buy essay administrators
of the buy essay government. It took two decades of debating upon it
because it had opponents who were against the plan. In custom essay,
Medicare in the custom essay was established.
plan provided health care to special group of people, the seniors who
were above 65 years of age and to the disables below custom essay.
Medicare and Medicaid bills were then signed into law and ex
president Truman was the first to register for the program. The
scheme has increasingly covered up to custom essay people. It cost
the federal buy essay government lots of billions of dollars to give
service claims.
federal government administered the Medicare program under the
established laws. The federal government provides buy essay financial
support for the program. The buy essay program is then classified
into Parts A, part B, part C, and part D categories. These categories
offer different levels of coverage plan to the patients.
A, of the program covers inpatient buy essay medical services
including those hospitalized, and those in nursing home in sub cute
status. This category of people had certified custom essay work
requirement and their contribution to the plan was through payment of
Medicare tax deducted directly from the custom essay employer. Part B
covers outpatient treatments.