From the book that I
read on the profession of writing, I also got to know much about the
use of personal statements in writing and the famous APA stylepapers. Personal statements’ use was discussed under the topic of
plagiarism. From this perspective, the author considered the use of
personal statements as a mechanism of avoiding plagiarism. To the
author, the writer has a good way of avoiding plagiarism, a serious
academic offence by using personal statements.
This could probably
sound Greek if one does not know what personal statements are-just
the words of the writer, no direct copying and pasting of the
author’s information but ‘translating’ it in your own
understanding-personal statements. Many problems of plagiarism could
then be overcome if you use personal statements, yet writers find it
rare to use personal statements.
For a writer, all you will do is to
change the words into your equivalents and not using them as they
are. Then, you will have used personal statements. What even
interested me most were APA style papers. In fact after this reading,
I even prayed hard that all paper I write may be APA style papers.
The author regarded APA style papers that most organized. He also
described APA style papers as simple in structure. He further
postulated that APA style papers are easy to comprehend, adding that
APA style papers give all the information one may need about the
paper and the consulted materials or sources. APA style papers are
because of this, highly considered and liked by many clients, and for
that, APA style papers are very common in custom writing.